students wearing yellow hats
school uniform

Science Museum

Posted: 30th November 2021

an astronaut costume

Class 4 enjoyed an educational day at the Science Museum.

Class 4 went to the science museum to explore their current STEAM Topic on space and their previous Humanities topic about aeroplanes! The children learned about a typical day for astronauts out in space and even got to see some actual moon rock up close. In the flight section the children saw lots of different aeroplanes, old and new, whilst learning about how the structure of a plane has changed over time. The children had a great time and can’t wait to share all of their learning with the rest of the children at Vita!

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Upcoming Open Day

Saturday 11th May

10am until 2pm

Alternatively, if you would like to arrange an individual visit, please contact Mrs Castro on

We look forward to meeting you!

a child playing a board game