school blazers and hats hung up

Welcome from the Head

Welcome to Vita et Pax Preparatory school, where education is based on nurturing excellence. The school has a long tradition of excellence in shaping attitudes for learning and an environment for achievement. Our students give of their best while their peers and teachers providing a supportively competitive environment. High academic achievement is not the result of intense pressure but through creating the environment where continual practice focused on improvement drives achievement.

The curriculum we offer is as broad as it is deep. Our students are taught to seek and critique information, they are not spoon fed it. Teaching feeds upon shared experiences to build pathways of understanding our world. Our curriculum interlinks so the core strengths of English and Maths extend throughout all subject areas. Taking calculated risk and making mistakes are as important a part of learning as is the ability to present confidently in front of an audience.

Fostering parent partnership is core to our operation. When families enter our school, they become a part of the community. We communicate openly. We think and act in the shared interest of developing successful global citizens.

A key part of our culture is shared responsibility. We open the hearts and minds of our students to the realities of our world from homelessness to disaster relief, our students understand their place in a global society. Our students bring their authentic selves to school each day. Their diversity in thought, belief, identity and culture are celebrated as a normative part of our school. Development is personal and our students flourish in the attention our small school provides.

Our independent school is exactly that in nature. The personal relationship that we share with our families allows room for tailored experiences and opportunities for embedding moral values.

Vita et Pax Preparatory School is a wonderful environment for learning and development.

This is the focus of Vita et Pax Preparatory School. We believe that through a strong partnership with parents, our small family-orientated environment provides a space for children to develop into talented individuals academically, emotionally and socially. Our staff work hard to ensure that every child has a personal experience that extends beyond the curriculum. Choosing the right school for your child is choosing the right parenting partner. At Vita et Pax Preparatory School we are committed to ensuring our pupils receive a well-rounded education within and beyond the curriculum.

We would be delighted to arrange a private tour for you – Please call us on 020 8449 8336 or email us at and a member of our team will be happy to book this for you.

We look forward to welcoming you to Vita et Pax Preparatory school.

Book your private tour - places available.

Ring us on 02084 498 336 or email

We look forward to meeting you!

a child playing a board game